Case Study: Divorce Online

We speak with Divorce Online, about how they have managed to work remotely during COVID-19…


Who are you?

My name is Mark Keenan and I’m the Managing Director of Online Legal Services Group.

Introduce your organisation

Online Legal Services Group are an online legal services company, based in Swindon. We are primarily an uncontested divorce and financial service provider and also own a firm of solicitors.

How has COVID-19 affected your organisation?

When we were told that we had to go into lockdown we were lucky that we already had a business disruption plan in place. We already have about a quarter of staff working remotely anyway, so we were able to pretty quickly pivot to the majority of staff working from home with only a couple remaining in the office and that remains today.

Conference Call

Have you struggled with working remotely?

I think the main one was that we have not really used Teams or video conferencing up until that point, as we had regular meetings in the office but Complete I.T. were actually fantastic in getting us trained on using Teams and now we couldn’t live without it.

How have Complete I.T. helped you during this time?

Completes I.T. have been absolutely fantastic. They’ve always been effectively our IT managers, so any issues we had, either with people not be able to connect to the internet, software not working properly or laptops needing to be remotely set up, they’ve been absolutely fantastic. They have been our IT manager.

What do you think your workplace of the future will look like?

I think it’s going to pretty much look like it does now actually under COVID-19. We’ve got more people working from home, people who haven’t worked from home before and have discovered they are really good at it. They really like it and like the flexibility.

I think we’re going to have a hybrid model with maybe some key staff in the office but lots of people working from home and meetings being over video conferencing or sometimes coming into the office when they want to, rather than because that’s how things have been done in the past.

Can you describe your relationship with CIT in three words?

Our IT Manager.

Our IT Manager
Complete Virtual Workplace

Complete Virtual Workplace

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