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Important Security Tip for Microsoft Teams Meeting and Chat Function Users

by | Aug 11, 2020 | GDPR

Important Security Tip  for Microsoft Teams Meeting and Chat Function Users

If you are using Microsoft Teams, you will need to consider this!

In order for businesses to function effectively, every department needs to be in communication. So, undoubtedly there will be times where you hold a meeting with your team and then invite other people from other departments to join for a one off meeting.

Although you may have only invited that team member from another department to one of your meetings, If your team meeting is part of a series that other person would have automatically been added to the chat which could cause concern.

For example the Senior Management team has a meeting every Monday afternoon and regularly share ideas, private information and data within the chat throughout the week. One week they may decide they need to add the Marketing team to their Monday meeting to discuss an idea. After this meeting the Senior Management Team will need to make sure they remove the marketing team members from the chat as they would have been automatically added.

A problem arises if the information, files or documents shared within this chat are for the eyes of your Senior Management team only. Under the GDPR, you are only allowed to share information with those who need it, therefore it is more than likely that person added for the one off meeting shouldn’t be seeing this information, especially if it contains sensitive data.


It’s simple, remove the person from the chat! All you have to do is monitor who is within the team by pressing the view and add participant icon (top right) and ensure those people within the team should be there.


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