Scam emails have become a massive area of concern for businesses recently, with industry experts suggesting different traits to look out for to help you separate the scam emails from the legitimate ones.
To give you an idea of what to expect – here are a few examples of scam emails we have received recently;
The Phone Bill Scam
The Invoice Scam
A personal favourite, the ‘Friend’ In Need Scam
What should you do if you receive a similar email?
These emails should automatically go into your Junk Mail as these did, but if for any reason your spam filter fails and you do receive a suspicious looking email, please follow these two simple steps!
Firstly, do not click on anything! The links within scam emails often lead to infection, and if you’re unsure – forward the email straight to your IT support provider for guidance.
Always lean towards the side of caution with any email asking for money or redirecting you towards unfamiliar links. When it comes to cyber security, it’s better to be safe rather than sorry.
To further prepare, read Complete I.T.’s Top Tips for Spotting Scam Emails