CryptoLocker is one of the most common strains of ransomware attacking companies around the world every single day. In a recent global survey of over 1,000 IT service providers, 95 percent reported recent encounters with CryptoLocker infecting small business clients. CryptoLocker renders its victim’s files unreadable using encryption, then demands payment to un-encrypt them.
Typically, CryptoLocker ransom demands are not particularly high—usually in the range of £150 to £500. However, the cost of downtime associated with ransomware can add up quickly, especially if the malware spreads beyond a single computer and onto your company’s network. Recent statistics report that 63 percent of small-to-midsized businesses have suffered business-threatening downtime as a result of a successful ransomware attack.
Businesses, in particular, can (and should) minimise the impact of CryptoLocker and other forms of ransomware. This guide offers an overview of what you can do to protect yourself from these cyber attacks and how to recover quickly in the (not so rare) case you do fall victim.
Preventing a CryptoLocker infection is obviously the best possible way to avoid downtime. However, there is no single defense solution currently on the market that can 100 percent guarantee ransomware prevention for businesses. Instead, step up your data protection game with these leading recommendations for increasing your front line of defense.
- Install reputable anti-virus and firewall technology;
- Ensure all applications are patched and up-to-date;
- Proceed with caution when opening emails; Do not click links or open email attachments you aren’t expecting; verify the contents of the attachment first
- PRO TIP: Right click the link and copy the URL then paste it into a new browser window to be certain that the link doesn’t lead to a malicious website; and
- Ensure that all employees are trained on these email best practices – phishing scams are the #1 cause of the success of ransomware today
Stay tuned for our next blog post to learn more about CryptoLocker recovery. In this guide, you’ll learn everything you need to know about CryptoLocker, and how to protect and recover from the nasty ransomware strain. Download it today! Need further help then please don’t hesitate contacting us!