Complete I.T. Blog

What is an ITSR and why do I need one?

by | May 14, 2018 | Archived Articles

Here at Complete I.T. we know that you need to trust us with your systems.

In order to deliver the exceptional service you want, we need to have an in-depth knowledge of your systems, network and requirements so that we can ensure we are giving you the best advice.

We like to do things differently – we want to get inside your business and give you the right strategic and technical advice to help your business grow and succeed. So as part of the process of taking you on as a client we carry out an Internal Technical Systems Review.  This helps us to work out what you’ve got, how it works, and how it compares against your business objective – will it deliver what you want and need?

So, getting technical – an ITSR will;

  • Review the existing IT infrastructure, policies, and procedures and assess these against your business requirements.
  • Provide informed, best practice recommendations to you regarding your  IT infrastructure.
  • Provide detailed technical documentation for your team, so that IT procedures and information are visible and in the event of disaster, there is documentation for recovery purposes.  This has the added benefit of ensuring that everyone who might deal with your account, from helpdesk all the way through to Operations Manager has a detailed understanding of your systems and the way you use them, meaning, we can provide the right advice and support at the right time.
  • Provides a sound basis for a quotation for future IT products and services.
  • Highlight any areas of concern and make recommendations accordingly.

We recommend each and every one of our clients has an ITSR carried out as a part of our onboarding process, meaning we can do the best job possible. To find out more about what makes us the best at what we do contact Complete I.T. at