Complete I.T. Blog

IT Support & Cyber Security in 2022

by | Feb 18, 2022 | IT Services

IT Services & Cyber Security in 2022: Get it Right!

It’s safe to say that hybrid working will continue to play a pivotal role for many of us throughout the rest of the year and perhaps even our working careers. There is a high demand for this style of working, especially with millennials who – since the pandemic – have listed flexibility as one of their top requirements from a workplace.

We recently put out two polls on our LinkedIn page asking people what their ideal working style was vs what their actual working lifestyle is – fully remote, office-based or the best of both worlds with hybrid working.

Of the 100+ respondents, we found that:

64% of you would prefer to work flexibly, and 61% actually are
8% would like to work from an office, and 9% currently are
28% would ideally be fully remote, and 29% actually are
Note the disproportionately heavy weighting on hybrid working. It is expected that in this present day 80% of the UK workforce will now be hybrid (compared to 48% in 2018).

So, whether your team are working in the office, remotely or even a flexible mix of both home and office – it’s important that you have the right IT Support and Services in place, which are specific to your business needs.

IT Support

Having the right IT Support is fundamental to the running and security of your technology and IT infrastructure – whether it’s in-house or cloud based.

As an IT partner, we are committed to providing the best solutions available to protect our clients’ businesses. We learn about each individual organisation and their current working situation, understanding their requirements so that we can come up with a comprehensive plan, which is regularly reviewed. We pride ourselves on our forward-thinking and proactive approach, ensuring our clients are always kept informed, supported and protected.

‘We believe that what businesses need is an IT partner that can give them the right advice and expertise. That may be around cloud or may equally be around on-premises or even a mix of the two. Whatever the future direction of IT Services you can never get away from the fact that you need an IT partner that can give you the right advice for your specific business.

IT Services allow organisations to prioritise, optimise, and protect the day-to-day operations of the business, while at the same time putting a strategy in place to help support growth and expansion.’ – Colin Blumenthal, Vice President IT Services Sharp Europe and founder of Complete I.T. Limited – IT Services Predictions 2022.

Cyber Security

No organisation is exempt from cyber attacks despite how small they be. SMEs are generally the easier target. Therefore, we always strongly advocate that all organisations have a multi-layered cyber security strategy in place. Having a robust multifaceted cyber security plan will ensure that your organisation’s data and sensitive information is kept safe and secure, no matter where your team members are working from.

Endpoint Security

Protect all of your company-owned devices with Endpoint Security, which monitors end-user devices 24/7 and flags any malicious activity. This will keep all endpoints secure whether your team are working at home, in the office or in a coffee shop somewhere!

End User Education

The people within an organisation are often the weakest link when it comes to cyber security. End user education is essential to ensure that your team are aware of all the looming cyber threats and prevent them from falling for a cyber criminal’s tricks.

Cyber Essentials Plus

Cyber Essentials Plus can help protect your organisation from 80% of common cyber attacks as well as giving you reassurance that you have the relevant defences in place to protect yourselves from falling victim to a cyber attack. Download our 5 reasons to get Cyber Essentials Plus Certified PDF to find out how this government backed scheme can help your organisation.

Email Security

Traditional anti-virus and spam filters won’t keep you safe from sophisticated attacks such as ransomware and spear-phishing. Complete Email Security will help protect you from mail threats.
These are just some of the many cyber security layers you should have implemented to help protect your teams and organisations from getting exploited by a threatening cyber criminal.

It’s important now – more than ever – to make sure you have a good IT plan in place, especially with the ‘new normal’ of hybrid and flexible working changing the way that many of us operate in the workplace. Having the right IT partner will ensure all your IT requirements and cyber security needs are met to suit your businesses working policy, leaving you to focus on the core running of your business.

Whether you just need additional support for your internal IT team or would like to fully outsource your IT, Complete I.T. can help.

Contact us today to find out how can help enhance your organisation’s business priorities through our IT Services.